
The Ultimate Father's Day Gift Guide (2021)

The Ultimate Father's Day Gift Guide (2021)

Father's Day is upon us and I've got you covered with a quick list of really cool Father's Day gifts. I know Father's Day can be a tough time for some so if there is a father figure in your life that you would like to celebrate, I hope this gift can bring joy to you, them and your family. While we all know the standard dad tropes—fishing, golf, BBQ and ties—I've tried to weave in some off-bea…
Cool Etsy Shop: ShopMuirwood

Cool Etsy Shop: ShopMuirwood

When it comes to small businesses making awesome products, the folks at Muirwood pop to the top of the list for me. I was originally introduced to their store by way of their iconic Railroad Spike Bottle Openers. What I thought was a small shop with one quirky product evolved into a full fledged homeware outpost. I've included their story below as well as some of my favorite picks from t…