
Science Rules! Cool Gifts For Curious Chemists and Technology Trailblazers

If mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, than I Give Cool Gifts is the powerhouse of cool gifts. These gifts are for the chemically-inclined who love to find out how the world works and marvel in the discoveries, creators and concoctions of their peers. Scroll down to check out these cool science and technology gifts.…

5 Cool New Tech Products You Need to See

Here are some of our favorite new tech products hitting the shelves in 2019. SuperTank: Long Lasting Portable Charger ($59 via Kickstarter)Who: No matter how long your phone or laptop battery lasts, it will eventually die. Whether you are a business traveler soaring through the skies from meeting to meeting or a wanderlust seeker who is editing photos on the go, the SuperCharger 4 is for…