DJ Cat Scratching Pad—Let Your Cat Scratch Some Laid-Back Beats With This Cardboard Scratching Pad Shaped Like A DJ Turntable

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Let your cat scratch some laid-back beats with this cardboard scratching pad shaped like a DJ turntable.

You may think that cats scratch in order to stretch their muscles and sharpen their claws. Wrong. When you think about it, isn't it obvious that within every feline lurks a wannabe DJ? Kitty is mad pumped to kick it behind the wheels of steel and throw down a dope set of old skool joints, yo! 

Designed in London, the Cat Scratching Pad enables your furry homeslice to spin some phat, chillout beatz with hella catitude. Festooned with cat smiley faces, paw prints, photos of fish-shaped cat treats, and joke band stickers ("Run DOG"), it's a flat pack cardboard kit that you fold together according to the included instructions. No glue is necessary. Made in China.