Mister Arthurious's prints of first edition book covers powerfully evoke the stories the writers wrote--and also the stories behind the books.
The 1877 publication of Anna Sewell's Black Beauty quickly inspired anti-cruelty legislation in both England and the US.
Charles Dickens first published David Copperfield in 19 monthly, 32-page installments, between May, 1849 and November, 1850.
The Picture of Dorian Gray was first published in 1890, in a magazine whose editor, worried it was indecent, cut about five hundred words from it without informing its author, Oscar Wilde.
The high-quality, shadow-boxed photo prints look amazingly crisp and real, because each book has been carefully photographed to retain original marks and wear and then remastered to highlight every detail of the cover design. Made in New York City.