Spice up your Moscow Mule by making one of its essential ingredients—ginger beer—from scratch. With this kit, you can ferment up one gallon of piquant ginger beer from all-organic ingredients in about a week's time. It comes packaged in an embroidered mesh bag for easy brewing, and while the standard soda is non-alcoholic, you can also make a spiked version: The brew's final ABV ranges from 0 -10% depending on your desired flavor profile. Once your mixer is ready, whip up a round of cocktails (the kit makes enough for 32) and pour into the antique-finished copper mugs with brass handles. The natural interiors will age with each use, giving the mugs a unique vintage quality with time. The kit is also available straight up—without the mugs. Either way, the set of included coasters double as a rousing drinking game.